Friday, March 25, 2011

Too Good for Second Hand Goods?

Throughout the years we have furnished houses, sold enough items to purchase vacations, donated tons to homeless shelters, thrift stores, and families in need. At first our family and friends were a little leery of our “Sanford and Son” style.  But as the finds continued, they began to ask, “hey, if you get a dresser in decent shape let me know” or “do you ever run across kid’s toys or clothes?” We have even had people ask if they could come to a jobsite to pick through the items prior to us “trashing out” the house or apartment.

One trailer load that always makes me chuckle came from a college student’s abandoned apartment. The women left behind everything!--furniture, clothes, kitchen accessories and food. Our driver was thrilled!  He salvaged all the canned and unopened food. The furniture went to one of our neighbors who was having a yard sale (who ended up making over $200 from all the furniture) and the clothes came back to my house for sorting. 

At the time I had a very well-kept friend.  She always had the latest hair style, never missed a nail appointment and never, never left her house looking anything less than chic. I thought of her as I opened the bags -- these would be perfect for her small cute frame! I gave her a call and without giving her any detail I offered the booty!

The clothes had been taken out of the garbage bags and sorted prior to her arrival.  The trailer had been moved from our driveway.  The evidence of their origination had been wiped away!  As I suspected, she was thrilled to see all the designer jeans and cute t-shirts and tops. She gathered everything enthusiastically with her girlish coos of approval and then turned to me and asked, “where did all this come from?” I smiled slyly and asked if she wanted the real answer or the answer she would like to hear. She scratched her head, laughed and said, “don’t tell me. I’d rather not know.”

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